
This has nothing to do with anything

Today I was waiting for my train and lots of random thoughts kept crossing my mind. For one thing I love staring at people while they wait for their trains. Well let me correct myself. I love to people watch while waiting for my train. Its just interesting to see peoples expressions, their posture, frustration, and impatience. I find it amusing that we keep staring down the tunnel waiting for the train. We all know it's coming eventually yet we constantly stare, impatiently, hoping that maybe this next look will make it come speeding down the tracks more quickly. But really, why are we all so impatient. Most people riding the train allot extra time just in case, so it's not like we are in a hurry.

*another thought*

I remember the first few weeks of living in Chicago and having to take the train somewhere. I was terrified out of my mind. I didn't know where I was going nor what to do. Even the turnstile where you enter your ticket was confusing. I'd always end up trying to force my ticket down the wrong way, facing the wrong side, or something of that sort. People behind me of course, always annoyed because the other two turnstiles were out of order and I'd forced a line of about 10 people to form. I would always be so embarrassed. Then trying to figure out which side I was supposed to get on, north or south, I would always be confused. I didn't know proper subway etiquette, still don't get some of it actually. I would be mortified at the thought of actually sitting in a seat, all the germs and homeless people that had sat there. I couldn't risk it. The most confusing part for me though, would be the exit. I'd get off the train, go up stairs and then I couldn't figure out which way I needed to leave to make it to my chosen destination the quickest. I would see everybody leaving the stop, without hesitation as to which exit to take, while I stood there, completely bewildered, looking at the exits, at least 4 for every stop. Of course I'd choose one and it would be completely wrong. Now of course, I'm a pro. I don't have to look and thing really hard. I know where I'm going and everything. But don't worry. I still have problems, especially when I'm going somewhere new. All in a days work.



I don't make art often because it is never very good. But the art I do make always has crazy textures. I love to be able to feel the ridges in thing, probably why I like oil paints so much. I tried to create the other night. It's not very cool looking, but I love the way it feels, if only you could touch it.

I call it "Peaks & Roses." Made with acrylic and gel medium on canvas. Hopefully if I continue to create, they will eventually turn out better.

Oh the link I promised from the last post for the mix that I made. I call it, Baby It's Cold Outside, just because, baby, it is. It's on megaupload. If you know what that is, then good for you. If you have problems then please ask. I'll put the mix up for about a couple of weeks, and then I'll take it down. So hopefully you get to listen to it! It's not half bad if I may say so myself.


international mixtape project...heard of it? not going to lie, it's pretty badass.
check it out, its like $20 a year...totally worth it
I used to have a membership, cancelled it, and now I'm back.

I made the December 2008 IMP. Its a totally random mix this month. I was sitting and thinking..."man its cold outside" so I went to my itunes and typed in the word "cold" and compiled all the songs with "cold" in the title. I'm pretty proud of it. Its pretty interesting. I'll be posting up a link next post so you can download it if you'd like. It'll only be up for a limited time though.

But for a little sneak peak, here is a video for one of the songs. Enjoy the funky beats!